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EFU Noor Takaful

Secure financial future guaranteed

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Faysal Bank offers EFU Noor Takaful through a distribution agreement with EFU Life Assurance to its Faysal Islami Noor Card customers. With this protection cover, you are now able to attain peace of mind in case of any unforeseen situations. In the event of Permanent Total Disability, Temporary Total Disability, Terminal Illness, Critical Illness or Death due to any cause (subject to the exclusions), the outstanding balance on Faysal Islami Noor Card will be waived to avoid any inconvenience to your loved ones.


  • Takaful coverage on total outstanding card balance plus credit charges maximum period of 2 months.

  • Maximum coverage up to PKR 3,000,000

  • Minimum monthly contribution amount 0.69% of your monthly outstanding balance

Eligible Customers

FBL Card

FBL Noor Takaful Card

Age Limit

18 - 69 Years

Limit Covered

Upto 3,000,000

Health Condition

No Prior Chronic Disease

Coverages Details




Death Benefit

Indebtedness at the time of death including death from Covid-19.

Payment of closing outstanding balance of the last billing statement

Additional Accidental Death Benefit

In events of accidental death, an additional amount equal to the death benefit will be paid to grieved family.

Additional amount equal to Death Benefit

Terminal illness

A medical condition due to which life span of the card member being reduced to a period less than six months.

Payment of closing outstanding balance of the last billing statement

Temporary Total Disability

In the unfortunate event of prolonged illness, or temporary disability exceeding 45 days.

Continuation of minimum monthly payment up to 12 months.

Permanent Total Disability

In the unfortunate event of prolonged illness, or permanent disability exceeding 180 days.

Payment of closing outstanding balance on the last billing statement

Critical Illness

If covered cardholder suffers from or undergoes any one of 10 specified critical illnesses.

Payment of closing outstanding balance on the last billing statement

Contribution Amount

Contribution charges are only 0.69% of your monthly outstanding balance of your Faysal Bank Noor card as of the statement date.

Claim Process

For claims, please contact EFU Life - WTO. – Claims Department on (021) 111-EFU-111 (111-338-111) from anywhere in Pakistan or send an email to [email protected]. Intimation to be done within 90 days of the occurrence of Death or Permanent Total Disability

Written notice of claim must be given to EFU Life immediately but in any case, not later than 90 days after occurrence of event. All claims will be subject to such discharge, evidence of claim and proof of age of the covered member as EFU Life may require.

Following documents shall be required in case of claims:

  • Copy of death certificate issued by union council or NADRA

  • Copy of National Identity Card

  • Claimant’s Statement

  • Disability Claim Form

  • Attending Physician’s Report

  • Card account statement

  • Cover note stating the sum cover

  • Postmortem report, if conducted

  • Copy of FIR/Police Report, if lodge

  • Any other requirement deemed to be necessary


  • EFU Noor Takaful Plan is a Takaful product underwritten, issued and subject to the terms and conditions set by EFU Life Assurance Limited - WTO.

  • EFU Noor Takaful Plan is not a bank product.

  • EFU Noor Takaful Plan is only the name of the product and does not indicate, in any way, the quality of the product.

  • Faysal Bank is acting as the distributor of the EFU Noor Takaful Plan on behalf of EFU Life Assurance Limited -WTO. Faysal Bank will not be responsible in any manner if EFU Life Assurance Limited - WTO rejects your application or claim nor will it investigate or provide any opinion on merits of the claim.

  • If you have any grievance regarding your Plan Coverages, you may contact EFU Life Assurance – WTO on (021) 111-EFU-111 (111-338-111) or for any service related complaints, you may call FBL Contact Centre at 111 06 06 06 or can contact your nearest branch.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Below is the list of 10 critical illness covered under the Plan

  1. Cancer
  2. Heart Attack
  3. Stroke
  4. Coronary Artery
  5. Renal Failure
  6. Major Organ Transplantation
  7. Paralysis
  8. Blindness
  9. Multiple Sclerosis
  10. Deafness

Note: Exclusions under the above critical illness are mentioned in the Brochure

This benefit provides Takaful cover against death of insured card member by natural or accidental cause.

This benefit provides Takaful cover against death of insured card member by accidental causes. This is in addition to basic death cover.

If a Covered Member becomes permanently and totally disabled due to accidental or natural causes, Participant Takaful Fund/Waqf Fund managed by EFU Life will pay the sum covered.

“Permanent total disability means permanent and total disablement of the member preventing him/her from ever again following any occupation for which he is reasonably qualified by education, training and experience and which has persisted for a period of six months and is shown to the satisfaction of the Company to be of permanent nature”

If a Covered Member becomes temporarily and totally disabled due to accidental or natural causes, EFU Life WTO will pay the minimum monthly payment as per his card billing statement. This benefit will be paid up to 12 month maximum.

“Temporary total disability means temporary and total disablement of the member preventing him/her to engage in his own occupation or employment and lasting for more than 45 days. No benefit shall be payable for the first 45 days of such disability”

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