Hassel Free Digital Account Opening Process
Safe & Secure Investment Option
Select Shariah Complaint Broker of your Choice
For more information
- Visit Pakistan Stock Exchange website
- Visit CDC website
- Faysal Bank Call Center: 021-111-06-06-06 or email us [email protected]
Faysal Bank Limited bears no responsibility for any action / investment made in reliance of research reports of any brokerage house. The analysis and recommendation in the research reports are of the brokerage companies themselves and Faysal Bank Limited does not recommend any investment decision based on them. Customers are requested to take their own investment decisions considering all influencing elements including but not limited to the market risk
Account Opening Process
Click on Apply
Enter you IBAN/ Account
Enter Captcha and Generate OTP
- Select Broker for Account Opening
- Attach following documents
Proof of Profession/ Source of Income
Digitally accept Terms & Conditions
Digitally accept Shariah undertaking
Enter Captcha & Press Submit Button
For more information
- Visit Pakistan Stock Exchange website
- Visit CDC website
- Faysal Bank Call Center: 021-111-06-06-06 or email us [email protected]
Faysal Bank Limited bears no responsibility for any action / investment made in reliance of research reports of any brokerage house. The analysis and recommendation in the research reports are of the brokerage companies themselves and Faysal Bank Limited does not recommend any investment decision based on them. Customers are requested to take their own investment decisions considering all influencing elements including but not limited to the market risk
List of Authorized Broker
Arif Habib Corporation Limited
Munir Khanani Securities Limited
Alfalah CLSA Securities Limited
Ktrade Securities Limited
- JS Global Capital Limited
BMA Capital Management Limited
AKD Securities Limited
Taurus Securities Limited
Topline Securities Limited
Next Capital Limited
Vector Securities (Pvt.) Limited
Optimus Capital Management (Pvt.) Limited
Ismail Iqbal Securities (Pvt.) Ltd.
Chase Securities Pakistan (Private) Limited
Akik Capital (PVT) Limited
For more information
- Visit Pakistan Stock Exchange website
- Visit CDC website
- Faysal Bank Call Center: 021-111-06-06-06 or email us [email protected]
Faysal Bank Limited bears no responsibility for any action / investment made in reliance of research reports of any brokerage house. The analysis and recommendation in the research reports are of the brokerage companies themselves and Faysal Bank Limited does not recommend any investment decision based on them. Customers are requested to take their own investment decisions considering all influencing elements including but not limited to the market risk